Saturday, October 8, 2011


we're still working on the registry, but you can click here to see what we've got listed so far. use code "newyear" to sign in.

feel free to purchase items directly from the registry, use the items listed as a starting point to come up with your own gift idea, or get us some completely other thing that you think we'll love. we're also more than happy to accept cash or check to help pay for wedding costs, honeymoon spending money, etc. and if you have questions about anything, let us know.

Friday, October 7, 2011


they're in the mail, folks!! we were hoping they would go out last weekend after spending a day finalizing formats, printing, and assembling... until, that is, nick said to me, "is this quote supposed to make sense?" oops.

so it was back to the paper store i went... followed by spell-checking, more printing, and assembling.

i'm happy to report that we finished them all last night (though clearly the dogs were NO help), and they went off into the world this morning.

i'll be posting an FAQ within the next few days to cover questions you may have about registry, places to stay, RSVP, etc. in the meantime, if anything comes up, don't hesitate to let me know.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

what is semiformal, anyway?

the real work on invites has finally begun. they were designed months ago, but today i completed the final formatting and printing, and started assembling them. yes, assembling. with a hammer, even :)

today i also had to deal with the issue of dress code. so i consulted the master, Miss Emily Post. in case you're wondering like i was, here's what she has to say about semiformal (full list here):

For Men:
  • dark, business suit
  • matching vest (optional)
  • dress shirt
  • conservative tie
  • dressy leather shoes and dark dress socks
For Women:
  • short afternoon or cocktail dress
  • a little black dress
  • long dressy skirt and top
  • dressy separates

there is still quite a bit of work to do, but hopefully these will be heading out in the mail soon.